Find comfort and peace in God's Word

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Clinging to peace in times of suffering can be so hard.

We know the promise in Philippians that when we present our requests to God, He will fill us with peace that passes understanding. But how do we hold on to that peace when we are being taken under by overwhelming grief and hopelessness?

During times of suffering, it can feel like God is so far away.

But in your moments of deepest despair, God is closer than you can imagine. Right beside you, holding you, carrying you through. He is as close as your most desperate whisper.

What if you could experience His inexplicable peace every day?

What if we could change the entire experience of our lives by changing the way we look at our problems? What if we could claim God’s Word, God’s promises for ourselves and face our battles knowing He has already won?

I have great news for you. We can because He has.

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I have walked in deep valleys for seasons that felt like they would never end. Feeling alone in the trials and grief. Struggling to keep my eyes on Jesus when I needed Him most.

In my deepest valley, I took Bible verses and changed them into declarations to pray back to God.

Hebrews 4:16 became:
I will come boldly to the throne of grace and I will obtain mercy and find grace to help me in my time of need.

Psalm 34:18 became:
Lord, You are close to me when I am brokenhearted and save me when I am crushed in spirit.

I began to claim His promises for myself. Keeping myself focused on His character instead of my problems. I found I was able to face my suffering with overwhelming peace, continually feeling God's presence.

I want the same for you. 

That's why I'm so excited to share this 30 day devotional with you.

With the Declare His Word in Suffering devotional you will discover how to...

Cling to Peace

God’s Word is filled with accounts of His constant presence with His people throughout the generations. God gives His followers peace that passes understanding in the midst of otherwise unbearable circumstances. The problems of this world don’t stand a chance against the truth of God’s Word. 

Remember God's Character

His faithfulness. His steadfast love. His constant presence. His protection. His compassion. When you apply God’s character to your life, your perspective shifts. You can experience hope and peace no matter what comes, when you see life through the lens of who God is. 

Walk in Hope

Put your struggles in their proper place by reminding them that God is in His proper place. He is still and will always be on the throne. Watching out for you, caring for you, protecting you, loving you. When you keep your eyes focused on Him, you experience hope in every trial you face. 

Get the 30 day devotional

The Declare His Word in Suffering Devotional includes:

  • A 46 page printable devotional ebook
  • 30 printable cards with each day's Declare His Word statement based on Scripture

Get the devotional for only $15!

Get the 30 page devotional
If you're ready to go from overwhelmed and exhausted to living in God's comfort and peace,

Declare His Word in Suffering was created just for you.

This devotional takes Bible verses of comfort, protection, healing, and hope and turns them into declarations we can pray to God. Claiming His promises as our own, learning to trust Him completely and praise Him in all circumstances, because He who promised is faithful.

What to expect

After purchasing, your printables can be downloaded immediately from the Thank You page.

They will also be emailed to you within in a few minutes.

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I believe this devotional will be a great encouragement to you. But if for any reason you’re not 100% satisfied within 30 days, I’ll refund your purchase, no questions asked.

Yes, you could use this for 30 days, love it, and still ask for your money back. But I believe honesty and integrity go a long way, so I work on the honor system.

To take advantage of the guarantee, email [email protected].

Have we met?

I'm Stephanie.

I am a Jesus-loving, hope-spreading, single mom.

I am completely sold out for Jesus. Big time. I have watched Him show up and show off in small and mighty ways in my life. He has walked with me through the darkest days and led me up long and winding paths to the mountaintop. He is my Savior, Redeemer, and truest friend.

I am a single mama to one biological and one adopted daughter and I love my not-so-littles with my whole heart. We live in Wisconsin with two dogs and an ever-changing number of fish.

I love Colossians 1:17: "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together." Even us.

If you're ready to find comfort and peace for your hardest days, I'd love to have you join me.
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