We all want

God's best for our kids

join me in praying

God's Word over them

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We're striving to raise kids who...
  • are not swayed by the world
  • know and choose to follow Christ
  • are deeply rooted in His love and God's Word
  • live the life He created them for, in the center of His will

As we look around our broken world, we know just how hard that is. We know the world will distract them and try to turn them away from the Savior.

If that doesn't drive us to our knees, nothing will.

15 Bible Verses to Pray over Your Children

was created to help you focus your prayers on key aspects of your kids' lives, straight from God's Word.

The ebook includes:

  • 15 Bible verses written as prayers to God with blanks for your kids' names
  • space for you to write out the prayers or add your own
  • 15 printable cards, one with each prayer on it
15 Bible verses to Pray over your Children ebook
15 Bible verses to Pray over your Children ebook

I'm Stephanie.

A Jesus-loving, hope-spreading, single mom.

I am completely sold out for Jesus. Big time. I have watched Him show up and show off in small and mighty ways in my life. He has walked with me through the darkest days and led me up long and winding paths to the mountaintop. He is my Savior, Redeemer, and truest friend. His love has flowed over me in big and small ways until I can't contain it. I pray that it flows out over everyone I meet.

I am a single mama to one biological and one adopted daughter and I love my not-so-littles with my whole heart. We live in Wisconsin with two dogs and an ever-changing number of fish. IBC Root Beer and homemade chocolate chip cookies are my favorites. If you visited my house during the Christmas season, you would likely see three Christmas trees and drink a cup of homemade hot chocolate (my momā€™s recipe) with lots of marshmallows.

I am a daughter of the one true King and I pray that you see Him in everything I do. I am definitely a work-in-progress, clinging to Godā€™s promises with you.

My favorite verse on the hardest of days is Colossians 1:17. He is before all things and in Him all things hold together. Even us.