I've been where you are...
Hiding under the covers, curled up on the sofa, hiding in the closet with chocolate.
I see your deep hurts and fears. I see the pain of trying to get
up each day and keep moving for your kids. I see you holding
back tears until little hearts are tucked safely in bed.
You are not alone.
If you feel exhausted, overwhelmed, and alone, if you wonder if life will always be filled with struggle and hopelessness, I want you to know…
It’s not over yet.

Ammie Bouwman
A must-read!
Stephanie is beautifully transparent with her journey, offering practical solutions, encouragement, hope, and God's truth to single mothers everywhere. A must-read!
Michele Parker
Sara Clark
Like putting on God's love and grace
Not Over Yet is a beautiful, easy read. One that made me feel positive and powerful! It was like putting on God's love and grace.
Remember who you are
You are the apple of His eye. His treasure. His beloved.
All of the lies the world can feed us are nothing in light of the truth of who God says we are.
It takes great strength to face your trauma and choose healing. And you are worth it.
Remember who God is
The God who sees it all and holds it all isn't afraid of any of it.
He holds your future in the hands that created the stars.
God never says "tough luck" to those in terrible situations. Instead, He says, "Hold on to me."
Move forward with hope
Walk away from the chains and into the freedom the grace of God offers so abundantly.
Like a torch in a darkened cave, the truth enters and changes everything.
He still is and will always be in control, no matter what circumstances we face.
Hi! I'm Stephanie
I am a relentless cheerleader for single moms from all walks of life. I have been a single mom for over a decade and have experienced the challenges and beauty of this crazy, amazing life. I want to give those behind me on this journey a head start, with encouragement that was missing during the early years of my own journey. I had one biological child when she became a single mom and later adopted a child from Uganda. We live in Wisconsin with our dogs, Bella and Keva, and three fish.