Single mom,

It's not over yet.

You can build an amazing life for you and your kids.

You are not alone.

I see you. Hiding under the covers, curled up on the sofa, hiding in the closet with chocolate.

I see your deep hurts and fears. I see the pain of trying to get up each day and keep moving for your kids. I see you holding back tears until little hearts are tucked safely in bed.

I hear your fears for the future bouncing around in my head, as I heard my own fears years ago.

And I am here to tell you that you can do this. You can do this thing that seems impossible. With God’s help, you can pick up the pieces of your life and move forward. You can build a bright, amazing future for yourself and your children.

Imagine this...
  • Opening the bills without fear because you are in control of your budget, instead of cringing when you open the mailbox.
  • Feeling relief from the pain and trauma of your past, instead of stress-eating a whole bag of Cheetos after the kids are in bed.
  • Confidently leading your children through hard times, instead of hiding under the covers praying for someone else to do it.

I promise you, it's possible. I've walked this single mom road for over 14 years and I've seen it all. And God was right there leading me every step of the way. He has a great big beautiful life planned for you and your children, too. It's time to step into it.

Not Over Yet

a hope-filled course for Christian single moms who want to embrace the future, not just survive it.

Not Over Yet will help you overcome past struggles and build a bright, amazing future for yourself and your kids.

The course includes:

23 video lessons

23 lessons are broken up into 8 modules. Each video lesson is 5-8 minutes, so it's easy to consume anytime. Listen in the carpool lane, watch at home, or while waiting for your kids to finish soccer practice.


The 24 page workbook contains 16 activities to help you tackle being a single mom. From budgeting to self-reflection to planning fun times with your kiddos, you'll get more out of the course by going deeper in the workbook.

Track progress

Each lesson you finish will have a ribbon icon added to it so you can track your progress and never lose your place in the course. You can also favorite any lesson you want to find easily later in your favorites tab.

Enroll in the Not Over Yet course today



Meet your mentor.

Hi! I'm Stephanie. A Jesus-loving, hope-spreading, single mom.

I've been where you are. Just trying to get through the day, holding on until bedtime to crash and do it all again tomorrow. I've spent sleepless nights worried about my children. I've been the mom sitting alone at parent teacher conferences and school performances. I've wondered if I could possibly be enough for my kids.

And God has been faithful through it all. It hasn't been easy. I had to find the strength to get up and keep going. I had to learn to give it all to God and lean on Him daily.

You can, too.


Here's everything you'll get inside this course...


Let's start at the very beginning. The foundations module will help you work through your finances and prepare for a solid future.

Module one lessons include:

  • Budgeting - We need to know exactly how much money is coming in and how much is going out. We'll work on keeping track of all expenses so we can gather the data we need to help us figure out the future.
  • Lowering Expenses - Now that we know if we are over or under our budget each month, we can look for ways to save money if needed. We'll discuss ideas for saving money and for getting needed services so we can stop worrying about money.
  • Preparing for the future - We'll gather all of our household info in one place to make it easier if anyone needs to step in to care for our kids. We'll also talk about life insurance, wills, trusts so we can know our kids will be cared for no matter what.

Set yourself up for success

Building your community, learning to ask for help, not trying to do everything on your own. Here we'll discuss a number of tips to set yourself up for success as a single mom.

Module two lessons include:

  • First things first - Here we'll discuss finding your tribe, taking a break, dealing with hard days and more so we can take on single motherhood with intention. 
  • You are not Wonder Woman (and you're not supposed to be!) - Asking for help is really hard AND critically important to our success as single moms. We'll talk about why we can't do this alone and gather a list of who to call so we are prepared when we need help.

The broken mug

The ending of any relationship is painful, especially one we expected to last forever. God is ready to meet us in our pain and walk with us through all of it. This module will help us deal with the past and move forward to a better tomorrow.

Module three lessons include:

  • Letting go of the dream - It's easy to spend too much time looking back or regretting what we have lost. We need to let go of the life we thought we would have so we can fully embrace the life we have.
  • What to do with the pain - We need to figure out how to deal with pain from the past so we can heal and not carry it into our future.
  • Surrender - Pursuing our own will is going to hold us back from all God has planned for us. We are going to learn to surrender our will and accept God's will so we can move into His perfect plan for our lives.

Leading well

As women in the church, we may have been taught that women can't be the leaders. Well, here we are, the only parents. It's time to step into the role of leader just as God intends us to.

Module four lessons include:

  • Called to lead - Some of us grew up being told that women couldn't be leaders and certainly couldn't be the head of the family. As single moms, we need to flip that on its head and learn to lead our children well.
  • Parenting - We'll discuss some fundamental areas we need to consider as we move into leading our families well.
  • Parenting styles and tips - We'll talk about co-parenting, parallel parenting, solo parenting and decide which is best for our situation. We'll find practical tips to help us parent well so we can be confident as single moms.

Surviving abuse and trauma

Sometimes we feel like the walking wounded, trying to get through our daily lives during a trauma episode. In this module, we will look at the effects of past trauma, practical ways to deal with trauma episodes, and how to work toward healing.

Module five lessons include:

  • Surviving abuse - Many women hide how bad things are behind closed doors. And many carry grief and shame about their situations for far too long. Here we'll discuss ideas on how to break the cycle of shame and to work towards healing.
  • Trauma in our children - We need to understand how trauma affects our children and what to do when a trauma episode occurs. We'll include very practical tips for working through a trauma episode, so we can step in and help our kids get through the episode more quickly or even head it off before it starts.
  • Forgiveness - Forgiveness is not easy, but it is possible no matter how much you and your kids were hurt. We will fight for forgiveness so we can live in the freedom Jesus promises us. 
  • The truth about you - Terrible things may have been said about you in the past. Words that rooted deep in your soul. It's time to set the record straight and know what God says about you so you can move forward confidently.

Taking care of you

If we are continually in overdrive mode, we WILL burn out. And we won't bring our best selves to our parenting. Even Jesus rested. A lot. He often called his disciples to go away with him and rest. In this module, we will work on finding ways to rest and refresh ourselves so we can continue our important work of loving and raising our kiddos well.

Module six lessons include:

  • Create joy - It's time to bring joy back to our lives, even if we don't feel joyful. We are going to intentionally do fun things with our kids (and for ourselves!) which will lead us to actually feeling joyful.
  • Forgiving yourself - Yes. We made mistakes in our marriages and in our parenting. Everyone does. It's time to forgive ourselves for what we cannot change and see ourselves as God does, so we can grow into who He wants us to be.
  • Rest - We HAVE to rest if we are going to survive this single mom life. With a little planning we can get rest and refreshment in tiny little chunks of time, so we can be our best selves for our kids.

Before next time

At this point, you may not be able to imagine ever dating again or you may be hoping to find a partner soon. In this module, we will learn to trust God for the future, whether it includes a new love or not. We'll look at how to wait well and make sure we're ready to date again and consider what we are looking for in the future.

Module seven lessons include:

  • Get off the tilt-a-whirl - Don't go back to the same situation you were in before because you are lonely. Take the time you need to heal and grow before considering dating so you will make a great choice next time.
  • The list - When we are ready, we can date intentionally by deeply considering the characteristics we are looking for in a future partner. It's time to dream about what God may have for us in the future so we can find our perfect match.

Choosing hope

Hope in God and His plan for our lives looks completely different than the hope of the world. Our hope is true because of Who our hope is in. Here we'll talk about how to choose hope and practical ideas to help us regain our hope when it is lost.

Module eight lessons include:

  • Choosing hope - Hope is not some ethereal thing where we wish something might happen. Our hope is in Jesus Christ. With that foundation, we can choose hope in difficult circumstances.
  • Practical ideas for choosing hope - We can do things day by day that help us grow our hope. We can remind ourselves of what God has done in the past so we can dream about our future.
  • God moments - We'll train ourselves to notice when God intervenes in our lives, in big or small ways. Keeping track of how He has shown up in the past grows our hope for the future.

Here's a sample from Module 8, Choosing Hope



  • One-time payment
  • 23 - 5-8 minute video lessons


  • 16 activities in 24 page PDF workbook
  • Unlimited access for the life of the course
Enroll today and get these bonuses...

Not Over Yet - PDF ebook

Not Over Yet is an essential addition to the Christian single mom’s life, that contains practical, biblical advice to address crucial subjects such as: healing from trauma, finding joy every day, dating well, leading your family, and more. This inspirational book is an engaging read and an incredible encouragement to single moms from all walks of life.

($10 value)

The Not Over Yet Guarantee

This course is designed to come alongside you and help you thrive as a single mom. You will find great value in the lessons and activities provided and I pray that it will help you take action to build your future. If the course isn't right for you, you may request a refund within 30 days, no questions asked. I operate on the honor system and trust that you will use the guarantee only if the course is not helpful to you.


Not Over Yet Course



  • One-time payment
  • 23 - 5-8 minute video lessons
  • 16 activities in 24 page PDF workbook
  • Unlimited access for the life of the course
Not ready to enroll? Click here get my 15 tips to help single moms thrive.