My Anchor Holds

Stay anchored to Jesus on the hardest days.

I've been where you are...

...walking in deep valleys for seasons that feel much too long. Feeling alone in the trials and grief. Struggling to keep my eyes on Jesus when I need him most.

And I've found God to be faithful through every trial, every season, every single moment.

In your moments of deepest despair, God is closer than you can imagine. Right beside you, holding you, carrying you through. He is as close as your most desperate whisper.

What if we could change the entire experience of our lives, by changing the way we look at our problems? What if we could claim God’s Word, God’s promises for ourselves and face our battles knowing He has already won?


I have great news for you. We can, because He has.

Why am I so passionate about what I do?

Here's a little background on my journey...

Many years ago, I had drifted far from God. I still believed in Him, but didn’t follow His will, instead choosing my own path. When it all came crumbling down, God was still there, waiting for me to turn back to Him.

I did and I've been seeking Him ever since.

The storms of my life haven't subsided and have affected every area of life. Divorce, financial, employment, loss, health. But these storms became so different once I was walking with Jesus again. I'm learning to lean fully into him on my hardest days and you can, too.

In these pages, you'll find encouragement, hope, strength, and peace, even as we face life's hardest moments.

Grab a cup of hot chocolate and let's seek Him together as we learn to lean fully into who He is.

Fun facts about me
Fun Fact #01

I have never had a cup of coffee. I don't even like the smell of it. I DO however, have my one can of Diet Pepsi every morning, without fail.

Fun Fact #02

I LOVE snow. Any snow, all snow, as much as I can get.

Fun Fact #03

I live in Wisconsin with my two kids, two dogs, and an ever changing number of fish.

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